The technological advancement doesn't seem to have resulted in reduction of coding effort for the IT organization . The processing, storage and computational powers have vastly improved and yet IT teams are churning out more and more code. Many a times in exotic programming languages with hard to find developers! The common refrain still is - " We don't have enough of development bandwidth".
More coding, more developers, more changing technology trends and hence more costs! Getting caught in this vicious cycle is inevitable for IT managers and leaders.
How can Business and IT organizations insulate themselves from the impacts of ephemeral tech trends and rising costs of hiring tech experts?
Platforms that offer you the best encapsulations of current technology capabilities are the answer. Through reuse and orchestration of components and services, software development becomes real fast and super efficient. Atman is one such platform. It helps you build more with minimal coding.

Atman can help achieve efficiency and cost savings. Below are the areas where Atman can create a big impact:
Accelerate Digital Journey
Your digital transformation should not be slowed down due to lack of expertise. Atman makes software solution implementations easy, removing impediments and accelerating your digital journey.
Automate Manual Processes
Move away from inefficient paper based processes. Go online and harness the power of Cloud. Improve your operational efficiency with Atman in just few clicks of button. It is that easy!
Modernize Legacy Applications
Older technology implementation can be drag on your business operations. Many a times maintenance of such systems if costly. Build custom and build new with Atman. It enables a step by step approach to building modern-day applications. What's more, it does not make a big hole in your IT budget!
Innovate to Offer New Products & Services
Empower your business and IT teams to experiment. Encourage them to try the new and fail sometimes. With Atman the cost of failure is low because of the negligible effort required to build. This reduced cost in trying something new can promote a culture of innovation in your organization.
Faster Prototyping
Ideas usually die if not nurtured in time. The mere thought of effort involved in building a workable solution can discourage you from starting. Atman offers easy prototyping. See your idea work effectively within a matter of a few days. Use the guardrails provided by the platform to keep your focus on building rather than coding.

What would you rather do:
"Code more but build less or build more and code less?"
You can achieve the latter with Atman.
Write to us for more details about Atman capabilities: info@feldspartech.com