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Online community and supplementary education for school students with SchoolBUS

While social media platforms promote community building they are not fit for children. Our customer wanted a platform that was safe and open only to school children. Moderation of posts was an important requirement.


The school tried may community platforms. The platforms were difficult to customize, lacked features for moderation and were expensive,  More importantly, there was no other community platform, apart from SchoolBUS, purpose-built for school going children!



Learning is no longer confined to the four walls of a classroom. The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards an online world.


Home schooling and online learning have been growing as the preferred mode of education for children.


Our customer is new-age school that is driven by technology. The school believes in adopting modern tools for teaching so that students are ready for the 21st century world. Our customer focuses on building ethical, well-rounded leaders of tomorrow that have the ability to embrace the good and discard the not-so-good.




The school was looking for augmenting  supplementary education for its students. To provide formal and informal learning and developmental enrichment opportunities for students outside of school and beyond the regular school day.


The school wanted an online community platform for:

  1. Children To hang-out safely

  2. Fun-filled learning

  3. Teaching values – empathy and grace

  4. Sharing ideas, collaboration, pursuing common interests

  5. Monitoring content of posts


While social platforms promote community building they are not fit for children. Our customer wanted a platform that was safe and open to only school children. Moderation of posts was an important requirement.


The school tried may community platforms. The platforms were difficult to customize, lacked features for moderation and were expensive,  More importantly, there was no other community platform, apart from SchoolBUS, purpose-built for school going children!



The choice was easy for our customer. SchoolBUS is built on the basis of inputs from school teachers and administrators. Their feedback and insights has resulted in the calibrated controls within the system.

Our customer particularly wanted to do away with the pressure of  ‘validation’. So features such as ‘like’ and ‘clap’ were not enabled.


The power of SchoolBUS is in its ability to adapt. It is a living application that evolves based on the trends and user experience expectations. It can be totally customized to suit an institution’s ethos. Most of the functionalities can be turned on or off based on the choices of the school. All this is possible because SchoolBUS is built using Atman platform – a lowcode platform by FeldsparTech.


Once the customer decided on using SchoolBUS a 30-day pilot run for a small group of students and teachers was performed. We worked with our partner myelin who are experts in School Management Solutions.


During this period, configuration changes were implemented. A dedicated instance for the school was created on the Cloud  Service of the school’s choice. Data encryption rules were applied to fields and pages as per the school’s requirements. Moderation routines were setup as per the policies of the school.


After the pilot run the application was opened for all students. It is being used for students from grade 6 to 12. It has become a popular application due to its Gen-Z features.

The usage is being monitored and reported. Students are using it to connect, express and create. The teachers feel that students are now getting a new form of learning that is essential for the online world of the 21st century.


The school is happy with the product and the support they are getting from FeldsparTech!


Supplementary education significantly increases students' chances for academic success. High achieving students are actively engaged in school events and extracurricular activities and maintain positive links with adults and peers.


SchoolBUS is a tool for providing supplementary education to your students in an online world!




Number of Users


Grades using the platform

6 to 12


Number of posts & replies per day


System Down Time

Less than 1%



Authentication, Learning Management System, School Management System



AWS Cloud



  • Customizations done in 2 weeks

  • Safe and Secure platform for children

  • Easy to use and manage

  • Less than 1% system downtime

  • Fun-filled modern learning

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